To b done right upon waking
Repeat 30 days
Expect blessings
10 minutes
Best done laying down but you can multi-task or sit if you would like to
Super short meditations for your cam packed days to reset the frequency.
5 minutes duration
Assist with the body the breath and the spirit
6.38 in duration
Raisse self worth
Refresh and Renew
6.19 in duration
5.27 min in duration
7 min in duration
Shorter if you if you dont listen to the concluding music
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11 minutes duration
Apart of our original series
Can be done seated or laying down
Connects you to and heals root chakra, anxiety, instability in life
Nice easy going grounding meditation connecting you to earth
7.22 minutes duration
Should be done seated
11.50 minutes duration
Can be done seated or laying down
Can also be done alongside a journal
10 minutes duration
Can be be done seated or laying down
9 minutes duration
Very cleansing
Assists in letting go
Can also be done at the beach and then you can continue the visual in the ocean
9.20 duration
Very powerful for setting boundaries and removing bad energy
Clears and retrieves enery from social media
er bac Cowalls
13.15 minutes duration
Meditation for when ever thing is going well
Expand your gratide and appreciaton
14 mins duration
9.35 mins duration
Meditations for physical health
11.40 minutes duration
10 mintues duration
Energising breath-work
14 minute duration
11.39 duration
17 minute duration
Amazing for flight anxiety
Coming back into the body
15 minutes duration
Heal anger/frustration
Healiver imbalances
Coming back soon.
These walking meditations can also be enjoyed seated or laying down. You can imagine yourself walking too. They are very powerful portal activation’s, expect obstacles to be removed.
10 minute duration
Can be done walking, seated laying down.
13 minute duration
Can be done walking or layin down/seated
15 min duration
Walking, seated or laying down
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12 min duration
Best seated
10 minute duration
9 minte duration
9.41 min duration
9.18 min duration
9.32 in duration
10.38 min duration
9.18 min duration
5.24 min duration
This is for deep restoration, mainly of the physical body. It is recommended to do these laying down. Do them in the middle of your day or early afternoon. Or right upon waking. The idea is to bring the body into as much of a relaxed “switched” off state as physically possible. This allows it time to recharge.
9.35 min duration
8.18 min duration
6.40 min duration
10.11 min duration
9.11 min duration
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10 min duration
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Guided meditation
20 minutes long
Very powerful
Non guided
1.25 hr long
Put on the NEW Amavi Spirit awakening - deep rest meditation
Sit in an upright position your low back supported
Create a clean space and set it up with incense/essential oils and cushions as though you would if you were about to treat a guest
Place the hands on your knees/thighs the palms up, your fingers soft
Begin to breathe very quietly, allow energy, light & visuals to move upwards the entire body
Be open to any visuals that may visit you or ask you to further visualise something
ASK for nothing, expect nothing, your task is to go into a space where your brain waves lower
You can focus on the area above & between your brows for increased deepening
Allow the body to go numb and see how close you can get to the sleep realm whilst allowing visuals to visit and surround you
EFT is short for emotional freedom technique. Here we use tapping on the main meridian points of the body to re-wire old beliefs and create new ones. This is incredibly powerful. You want to tap on these spots BUT PLEASE, if you feel called to tap on one more than another during a practice, listen to this.
- Top of the head
- Above the brows
- Side of the eyes
- Cheekbones
- Below the nose above the lip
- Below the lip above the chin
- Below the collar bones
- Under the arms where the bra line would be for a woman
- Karate chop point of the hands
The idea is to tap through the “negative” beliefs first, and teach the body it is safe to feel these thoughts and have these feelings, then as some of the resistance settles, we begin moving from acceptance into telling a new story.
Expect miracles, and if done over weeks, months and years, expect huge huge life shifts.
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11:11 mins
13 mins
10 mins
6 mins
11.30 minutes
Affirmations can slowly help to reinforce new neural pathways. And if done after meditations, journaling and EFT practices can create instant shifts.
Real transformation happens on the subconscious plane. When you’re in a hypnotic state you have access to the subconscious mind; the brain can’t tell the difference between thought and reality. In this state, we are significantly more impressionable and can make major changes in our ‘programming’. If you are looking to manifest, change your habits, or release conditioning - affirmations are the icing and subconscious work is the cake. Without the subconscious work, affirmations won’t stick. But since you are here, on this portal, it means you are already doing all of this work, therfor expect them to stick.
Return to them as often as you need.
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5.28 mins
Can listen whilst driving, cleaning, showering, laying down, anything!
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